Hello Bloggers,
I apologize I have not been a good blogger this week. I had plans for posts the past couple of nights and the time gas gotten away from me and I have lagged on my posts this week.
But here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to start a new feature on this blog. And that is on Mondays I would like, oh wait let me say LOVE to feature posts from other bloggers. At times when I have been blogging I can feel like I am the only one writing and reading my blog and in recent months the doors have opened and I have really started to enjoy blogs and learning pieces about the bloggers that write them and what a better way to begin by inviting them to share a bit about themselves with you.
I have questions that I will give to the bloggers that I feature that will give you a glimpse into their lives and into their blog.
So the question is who is going to be my first guest blogger??????????????????????????
COME ONE COME ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you thought about blogging but haven't taken the plunge yet? Did you recently start a blog and are looking for a way to get connected, do you have a mission or a topic that you are passionate about and want to spread the news??????????????? Well this is a great opportunity for you to jump in the WIDE WORLD OF BLOGGING!!!!! Leave a comment if you would like to be featured or you can email me at erinturner26@gmail.com.
I have one last surprise, A special gift for my first blogger. . . . The book by BLOG BAKERELLA
CAKE POPS!!!!!!!
Also I have to give a shout out to my friend Keli, she was the first to squeal about the big announcement I know she was thinking it was going to be something different and it was fun laughing about it at work. Keli all good things come in time- it will be here before we know it!!!!!! Love ya!!!!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
What the hell- I thought you really had something important to tell us. I thought maybe the dog needed to be re-castrated or that you were going to go to IC and join the cheer squad and then you tell us this. Come on Erin you can do better than this.
Oh Steve what can I say I love to keep you all guessing!
I think Steve should be your first project to blog about!! How much more interesting can you get than Steve?????
How about Steve commenting, who knew he was so techy!!!!!!!! TO blog about Steve maybe I should just write a novel I could call "his journey began in A-town" what do you think about that?
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