Friday, March 25, 2011


Good Morning Bloggers,

Hope you are doing well today and Happy Friday to you! Do you have a fun weekend planned?? We sure do. We are having all of Joey's cousins from his dad's side up Saturday for a get together.

I am blessed because my grandparents are coming up to help me get ready today around the house and I so appreciate their help.

The bathroom remodel is going EXCELLENT I couldn't believe the progress lasts night and I will post pictures early next week for you to check it out!

Now on to the the BIG NEWS
Joe and I feel extremely blessed to tell you that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                           WE ARE HAVING A BABY

We are beyond thrilled and excited for this new adventure in our life. I am about about 10 weeks today. My due date is mid-October right now but that could change at my next appointment. My husband has been another blessing because he has been taking care of me the past month while I have been dealing with morning sickness rather all day sickness for me. We feel so loved and have received many loving cards from out family congratulating us and phone calls of well wishes. We wont be finding out if we are having a boy or a girl so place your bets now! We want the surprise of a lifetime as a dear friend called it.

Next week I will post how we told our families

Monday, March 21, 2011


Good Morning Blogland,

Hope you are doing well!!!!!!

I apologize that I have been such a bad blogger the past couple of weeks, they have literally flown by and I cant believe it is already half threw March. I can promise you this though that I am getting back on the blogging train starting TODAY!!!!

I have lots to catch you up on what is going on in our household.
First of all today starts the remodeling project of our bathroom. I wanted to get a picture of it this morning before they stated the demo part of it but I am currently out of town so I wasn't able to do that. I will post after pics. If you want to picture what it looked like before just think yellow 1970's style bathroom with out of date fixtures and accessories. We are very excited about this project and I can't wait to arrive home to the finished project!!!!

This week I am in Wheaton, IL. I am getting to play mom to three little blonde's. That is Grace, Caroline, and Madeline. There parents are on a trip this week so I get the pleasure of soaking up lots of time with them this week.

I plan to do a post on some of the fun activities that we are tackling this week.
This weekend we are having a get together at our house for the Zanoni's!!!!! All of Joey's cousins are coming for a visit on Saturday and I cant wait to play hostess to them. Once I have my menu figured out I will post that as well as it has been a long time since I have done any new recipes.

Make sure to check in tomorrow as I have one more BIG update to do from our world. Have a great day!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why I Love The Month Of March

Good Morning Bloggers,

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!!!

Today's post is about one of my favorite months- MARCH!!!!

Can you believe it is MARCH?
Why I Love The Month of March

-Once MARCH rolls around I know that the worst of Winter is OVER- WHOOT WHOOT!

-MARCH means that we can start walking outside on the trails again!!!!!! Wrigley loves MARCH for this reason as well.

-MARCH is the month that I can splash my house with all my GREEN decorations!

- MARCH contains one of my favorite holidays, ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!! My mom made this holiday a wonderful tradition as I was growing up and I LOVE IT!

-MARCH means I can start planning my garden for summer!

-MARCH means the heating bill goes down!

-MARCH is the beginning of realizing the SUMMER really isn't that far away- YEAH!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Good Morning Bloggers,

Hope you  are doing well!!!! Today \'s post is an update on our lives here in Davenport, Iowa. Some changes have been occurring and I think it is time to share them with all of you!

Joe has worked for the past 4 years at KJWW Engineering Consulting firm and has enjoyed his time there. That is also where our relationship began in many ways. My mom the matchmaker came home and told me about this handsome great guy named Joe. Months later I would meet Joe at their annual Christmas Party and weeks later I would receive an email that opened the floodgates. Besides being the foundation for where r Joe meet me he also fostered many great friendships at KJ through the years with other engineers. A while back though Joe was offered an opportunity that he couldn't pass up at Exelon which is a nuclear power plant in Cordova, IL as a manager of a mechanical engineering department. With much prayer and discussion Joe decided to take the job with Exelon. He has been there for a few weeks and is getting his feet wet with much knowledge.

For me there have also been some changes on the horizon. Due to legislative reform and changes within my department I have decided to take a new position at the Rock Island Arsenal. Towards the end of the month I will begin working at the Child Care Facility teaching a Pre-K program for 4 years olds and developing supplementary curriculum classes for the facility as well. I am really looking forward to my position their. With me education in early childhood education and passion for children I think it will be a great fit. Besides teaching  I will be doing some freelance writing for and an event planning consulting firm. More to come on the event planning on a later date.

Change is always hard at first but we feel that these changes are the right ones and are pleased with the outcome!  Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back To Iowa

Good Morning Bloggers,

Well I am back from sunny Florida and let me tell you I had a great time. I tell you sunshine is good for the mind, body, and soul!!!!!!

I cant wait for spring to really start here in Iowa and then for summer to be here!! Please hurry up Sun and get here!

The girls and I soaked up lots of time on the beach, tried out some restaurants, went to a beautiful outdoor mall, and had many laughs!!!!!

I have something very sad to admit though and that is that I didn't take my camera out ONCE!!! I know bad me but I think I was more concerned with being in the moment and finding the sun then taking pictures!

I missed my hubby lots on the trip though. He is a great travel buddy and I missed him throughout the trip.

Overall it was a great time with my girlfriends and we created some wonderful memories!!! I think this will be an annual trip we take now!

Have a great Wednesday and see you back tomorrow!