Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hi Friends,
Well do I have lots to tell you about!!!!!! Recently I was able to take a trip and spend some much needed girl time with some of my bridesmaids!!! What fun we had

Two of my bridesmaids,(Lindsay and Sammi) I have gone to school with since 7th Grade and after college they moved out to California. My other Bridesmaid Mandy boarded a plane and took a trip to see them with me. Mandy was such a sweetheart and when we were boarding the plane she pulled out pink beads that said "bachellorette" Everyone on the plan wished me well and then this is how we started our flight:

Can you tell how Happy I was to be with my California girls??? This trip really renewed my confidence in my friendships with these girls. I realized that you don't have to talk to a friend everyday to remain close and things may change in your lives but your friendship will always remain the same. These girls really made this trip for me. They spoiled me rotten with their time, laughter, and events that they had planned.
More to come in Part 2 of Cali=GREAT TIMES

Monday, May 24, 2010

Why Blog?????

Sorry Fellow Bloggers I have been absent from my blog which on vacation- and trust me I will be blogging about that but first I have some other thoughts for you to ponder:

Inspiration: What Makes A Blogger-Blog?????

Since beginning a blog I have entered a world of backgrounds, fonts, links, advertisements, stories, joys, sorrows, You name is it is on a blog somewhere!!

Often times when I am getting ready to write a new "post" I wonder how other bloggers come up with their ideas, or what they use for inspiration. Sometimes what I end up writing whatever and other times I have an idea or event in my mind for awhile. I however do NOT write my "posts" on paper and pen before typing it. For this post I decided to try something different and write it out on paper before typing it up.

One of my life long goals is to write a children's book, I have a couple of ideas and my goal for blogging was to strengthen my creative writing and to write often.

So bloggers I have some questions for you:
-Why do YOU blog?
-How do you decide on what you write about?
-Does your goal for your blog change from day to day?
-What has blogging given you on reader/writer?


Monday, May 17, 2010


This past weekend was a busy one for us!!!!!!!! But it was packed with lots and lots of fun stuff!!!!!! I wasnt able to upload the pictures in order but enjoy them all!!!!!!! Barenaked Ladies were in town so my family came over for a pre-party and then off to the concert we went!!!!!!

Here are my Mom, Uncle Ken who lives in Michigan and drove down for the concert, and Grammie Jo Jo.

My Uncle Jim, Aunt Karen, and you know this guy!!!!! Joe Haluska.

My mom and I during the concert we loved to sing and dance together!!!!

Everybody was at the concert was asking Ken about his Barenaked Ladies T-shirt what a fashion man!

Kevin was at our pre-party he is home now from school and we are all so glad he is back!

Uncle Ken and Jim horsing around at the Pre-Party!!!!!!!!!!

The fans of Barenaked Ladies getting ready to head out for the event!!!!!!!!!!

The Wedding season started this past weekend for us as well for a co-worker of Joey's. It was a great event and a good way to kick off the summer of Weddings!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wrigley Update

It has been some time since I posted pictures of Wrigley and it is way overdue. Wrigley is becoming a big, big dog. . . . . . Take a Look
Wrigley is doing good, he has come a long way since when we first brought him home
He has mastered:
-Going to the bathroom outside
-Rolling Over
-Grabbing socks off the floor
-Chewing up rugs in front of doors
Some of Wrigley's favorite things:
-being next to anybody that will pet him
-being outside
-soaking up the sun in the backyard under the tree
Things Wrigley is working on:
-heeling when we walk
-not pulling on the leash
-jumping up on people when he first sees them
-trying to sneak food from children

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My New Best Friend

Recently I have started a very passionate, intense, and constant new friendship with . . . . . . . .


This is my constant companion well that is next to Joe but this site runs a very close second.

My top 5 reasons of why I love weddingbee,com
1. Great blogs from brides that are newly engaged, deep in the planning mood, and brides that are looking back on the experience
2. CLASSIFIEDS this is a section where brides sell stuff- I am girl that loves deals and this is the place to find them.
3. Advice from the Brides that have recently walked down the aisle
4. Proposal Stories, I think when you are engaged you enjoy reading these stories
and last and most importantly
5. GREAT DIY PROJECTS: IF you are a bride or you like to do DIY projects Check this out!!!!!!!!!

I have found so many great unique and cost efficient ideas!!!!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Memories of My Momma

No I am not a momma. . . yet.

So when I think of being a mother one women comes to mind and that women is . . . . . My Momma!

I wanted to do a little tribute to my momma by giving here a written memory log of some of my favorite memories with her!!!!
-Although i dont remember this, watching soaps with you while you soaked me in lotion.
-The slumber parties in bed that you and I would have. Yes the crumbs in the bed are even a good thing in my memory.
-Helping me pick out my outfirst for the first day of school every year and sneaking in a note of encouragement.
-Really reading to me. So many nights you worked a full day, cooked, cleaned, ran me here and there and then you would read me a story and not just read but you would make the story come to life with voices and acting.
-Big hair, yes when I was a teenager I may have been embrassed but know I am so appreciative for you teaching me Big Hair
-Letting me cry. Enough said.
-Pushing me when I vowed I couldnt go any farther, thanks to you I pushed on.
-watching tv shows that you dont really like just so we can chit chat about it.
-Tuna melts, company cream tuna, and tuna on potatoes-only me and you.
-Teaching me to love fearlessly, some never experience this but you and I do.
- Your uncondtional and selfless love.

Yes, you are my only one You are my only Dont be leaving me now Now you're my only one.

Love you Momma!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wedding Update

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

The past two weeks have been very busy with WEDDING stuff, making stuff for the OOT bags, planning our bachellorette/bachelor party, tastings, floral appointments, etc!!

And what fun it has been. Today I received my shower invitation in the mail and it hit me like a ton of bricks. . . I AM GETTING MARRIED.
Now it wasn't in a bad way but in a GREAT way!!!!

At first when I started writing this blog I thought I would do snapshots of the projects I am working on but I decided to post the below list. I found this on a fellow bloggers site and it moved me so much I forwarded it to Joey and we discussed over dinner. If you are getting married it is a great read, if you are married an even better one.

What does it take to have a great marriage:
  1. Make time to get away with your spouse and fully talk through your issues without attacking each other.
  2. Simplify your life so that you have time for what is REALLY important (not hobbies, meaningful time together)
  3. Romance takes time and effort. Force yourself to think of creative ways to express your love for one another.
  4. Confess your sin, arrogance, and selfishness before the Lord who made you and gave you one another.
  5. Set aside time each day for a meaningful discussion with your mate.
  6. Live each day as it was your last with each other-one day it will be.
  7. If your spouse died today would you spend the rest of your life feeling guilty because you allowed the small things in life to separate you?
  8. If your spouse died today, would they go into eternity knowing how crazy in love you were with them?
  9. If your spouse died today would your conscience be clear that every disagreement between you had been worked out with mutual forgiveness?
  10. If your spouse died today could you say that you never kept anything from them? Would you be completely guilt free and face the rest of your life without regret?