Monday, July 25, 2011

A Craving to Cook OR A Craving to Eat!

Yup you read this title right!!!!!

Do I have a craving to COOK


Do I have a craving to EAT

I will let you decide. I found this new cooking blog and I am in LOVE!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy these tasty sights and check out the new site:

coconut-lime-berry-cake3 Coconut Lime Berry Cake: Does this scream summer to you as much as it did to me? I am dying to try this and think I will sometime this weekend for Bixfest!!!! What a perfect combination of sweet berries and the punch of lime in cake!
pineapple-salsaPineapple Salsa, another recipe that I think is a summer essential! With this heat fresh fruit has been at the forefront of my mind and this looks wonderful!!! Also I thought it was a great change of pace to the normal salsa
glazed-lemon-cookies-2Lemon Cookies these made me think of my MOM. They would be right up her alley! I wish I could whip up a batch for her to take on vacation to enjoy!
peach-basil-pizza6and finally A Peach, Basil, Mozzarella, Balsamic Pizza on a summer night with friends, PERFECTION! YUM I haven't had anything like this before but it sounds like a perfect match to me.

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