Good Morning,
Hope you all had a great weekend and are surviving this heat! Yikes it is MUGGY!
Well the boys had a great time in Chicago. Lots of laughs a win and a loss for the Cubs, and great family time together!
Friday I had some lovely dinner guests.
Poppy, Grammie and my momma!!!! We decided to brave the hear and sit outside for dinner it wasn't to bad. They were very good and helped me get ready for the shower that I was part of the next day. My mom also came to the shower to be my partner in the drive and in setting up. You are so good CoCo thanks for all your help and all the good talks!
The picture of the cake made by one of the bridesmaids. A combination of cupcakes and a cake, so cute and the colors black and red looked great!
The yummy food. One of the dishes I made was a snicker salad. It turned out great! I will have to post the recipe because it is super easy as well. Also do you see the tissue paper pom pom in the background? I made a bunch of black and red ones for the shower I had never done these but I would encourage anyone that is looking for a fun easy decoration to try these they are super easy!!!!
And the wonderful Haluska girls!!!! Becky is Bride is in the middle with the coral dress. I loved being with you ladies and catching up. Cant wait to see you in a few weeks again for the BIG celebration!!!!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
1 comment:
Thanks a million for helping out with the shower. You went above and beyond. Also, tell your mom thanks again for her help! Hopefully next time I see you it will be a little cooler.
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