Good Morning Fellow Bloggers,
Hope you are staying warm and safe we are getting hit with another load of snow and ice. Hopefully this will be last of it!! OR I am just a very optomistic person.
Well I have started a new workout regime. Being healthy is important and I know there are a few things that I need to change about my lifestyle. First Up:
DIET COKE- I am a diet coke junkie and I need to kick the habit, well maybe not say goodbyeto it forever but I need to drastically reduce the amount that I consume. I can easily drink 32oz of diet coke a day. This is not good. So I have been slowly reducing the amount I consume. I am down to one can a day and as I write this we have 2 cans left in our house. Once they are gone- they gone and that is it.
Guess what I am replacing diet coke with:
Yesterday I drank 32oz of water. Do I miss Diet Coke-YES but I have started putting slices of lemon in my water and drinking carbonated water and it really isnt that bad!!! My goal is to drink a minimum of 32oz of water a day.
I have done the Jillian Michaels videos before and they work. This one especially. It is an intense 20 minutes. After the video I do 30 minutes on the treadmill!!!
It is Feburary 1st so I will give an update/results on March 1st on how the WATER and wokring out is going. If you have given up diet coke and have any suggestions on how to help the headaches let me know.
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Alright Erin, I did it - I just ordered myself this DVD. Thanks for the suggestion. It will be great on those nights that I just can't get to the gym! If it works, I'm in! :)
Hi Erin!
Our treadmill just died and I'm always looking for some new exercise DVDs. A friend of mine recommended the Jillian Michaels' DVDs, so I just might have to check this one out.
As for the headaches, I do know they will get better once you've adjusted to not having Diet Coke. It's a caffeine thing. My mom ran into the same problem when she gave up coffee. Sorry that's not much help, but they will eventually go away.
I'm with you on drinking more water - I'm so bad at that! Good luck!
Green Tea!!! I have given up pop (I allow myself 2 pops a week MAX!!) All I drink is H2O and gree tea!! you can do it!!!
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