Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Good Morning Bloggers,

Happy Wednesday- the weekend is getting even closer!!!!!! Hopefully you all had a great Valentine's day. We had a great day. Joey lined up some time for me at the SPA!!! Which was lovely. Then I made a big dinner that night! It was YUMMO!

I will be taking a short break from blogging because me and the MR. are heading on a mini vacation!! Whoot Whoot! Can you tell I am excited???? Well I sure am! We are heading to downtown Chicago and plan to do some sight seeing, trying out new restaurants, and Shopping!

I will be back Monday with a full report of  our weekend and pics.
Below is some information from our upcoming trip.

Our Hotel- Crowne Plaza Avenue
Some of the places we plan to visit:

The Museum Of Science and Industry

Shedd Aquarium

Have a great weekend and see you back on Monday!!!!!!

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