Good Morning Bloggers,
How are you doing this morning??? I am doing pretty well and getting excited for a fun filled weekend.
For today's post I wanted to focus on the upcoming holiday VALENTINE'S DAY if you didn't realize it is less than one week away. We have decided to play it low key this year.
So today I am posting some fun ideas and possible gift ideas.
1.Surprise your man with a fancy home-cooked meal!!! That's right save money and the hassle of trying to land a reservation on that day and turn your dining room table into the Le Amout Corner. Get a pretty tablecloth, lightt tons of candles, get our the fancy dishes and make his favorites I think most guys would say STEAK but you know your man!!!!
2. I got this idea from when Joe and I did our pre-kana retreat but have a couple sheets of paper and some crayons, markers at the table. Do a a dream picture. This means that you both should spend some time drawing what your dreams are, what vacations do you want to take with each other, what do you want Sunday mornings to look like together, are there children on the horizon, etc. I can promise you it will be great and you will kick a kick out of the drawings.
3. Make a coupon book for your loved one. Yes think of all things that your partner loves to ask you to do, or that you wished they would do and put it into a coupon book. For example one could be this entitles you to a free breakfast in bed morning, or this is entitles you to the remote for the entire night. It is a great way to remember and show that the little stuff matters.
4. Play cards whether it is 21, Gin, or go fish it will be fun. Playing cards is a lost art and so good old fashioned competition can be good for the soul!!
Below are some great gifts that are moderately priced so if the man viewership has picked up on my blog or if you need to give your man some hints hopefully you like the ideas:
Gold watch, Gold is coming back in jewerly. This Armitron watch is $50.00 and can be found on amazon, FREE SHIPPING!
How about a new fragence Victoria Secret has a limited edition for Valentines Day and it is resonably priced at $40.00
Next Up, how about a cookbook that the two of you can use, yup that is right you can mark some recipes for him to try and he can do the same
And Finally how about a voucher to the local bowling lanes! Yup that is right!! When is the last time you have been bowling??? How fun would it be to go some Saturday and bowl together!! Remember the good ol time and make up ridiculous names to use while you are plowing away for strikes!
I would love to hear about some of your Valentine's day plans and gifts!!!!
Also remember that Valentine's Day should be about the US that you love!!!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
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