Good Morning,
Well the weekend has arrived yeah!!!!! I am always happy to see Friday arrive Do you have big plans for the weekend??? I have a long list of things that I need to get done today so hopefully I can power through the LIST ( I am a fanatic list maker- I love them)
Today I wanted to post some things that I DIG!!!
1. HOPE all kinds of it for different things. Being hopeful about my future, the future of my marriage, hopeful about family, Hopeful about SPRING, Hopeful about WARM WEATHER
2. CARBONATED WATER- this is day 2 of no pop, no headache but I can tell it is hitting me this morning.
3. This week I ordered some seedlings and planned out my GARDEN ( can you tell I have warm sunshine on my mind?) Last year I didn't do a garden since we were gone on so many of the weekends and lack of time with wedding planning. So this summer I am back at it!! I will post all the info and layout in a different post.
4. A couple of weeks ago my husband stopped at Barnes and Noble and picked up a few new books for me, isn't he a sweetheart. I have started this one "Summer at Tiffany" It is a memoir about two girls in the 1940's that are attended the University of Iowa that head to New York City to work for the Summer and land a job at TIFFANY'S
5. I was cleaning out a file storage bin last night and I came across a prayer that my mom had written my when I was in college studying to be a nurse, after reading it I knew I had to share because it brought such peace and comfort
"The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God Protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me, Wherever I am God is."
Have a great weekend with you loved one bloggers and I will see yo back here on Monday
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
1 comment:
Erin-love your posts! You have such a warm approach to everything it seems...keep the posts coming! :) Happy Super Bowl weekend!!
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