Good Morning Snow Bunnies,
How did everyone enjoy their snow day???? Joe couldn't make it into the office so he was home with me and we had a pretty good day hanging around the house. Joe plugged away on the shoveling with the help of Wrigely!!!!
Our neighbor came over and rang our doorbell and he was holding our chimney cap. He explained how he found it in his yard next to his house and it had hit his house and taken out a portion of his siding.
Oh the JOYS of being a homeowner!!!
Now on to today's topic What's For Dinner?
I wanted to give a re-cap on how we are doing with EATING IN. I think overall the month of January we did pretty good I could see a big difference from not eating lunch out and sticking to the menu planning on weeknights.
Trust me it wasn't easy- there were nights when I wanted to head out and pick something up.
Now that we have entered February I am feeling better than ever about the Menu Planning I have found some great sites that have menu planning down to a science and great ideas to keep it fresh.
Tonight I am plugging away at a pie recipe that I will post- it is for my grammie we are pie junkies!
Have you tried the menu planning? Here is a sample week of ours:
Monday: TexMex with tortillas
Tuesday: Mandarin Orange Chicken with White Rice
Wednesday: SNOW DAY free for all pick what you want fend for yourself night!
Thursday: Spaghetti with Salad
Friday: Salmon, veggies, and rice
Here is a recipe for you:
Tex Mex with Tortillas
Take 3 to 4 chicken breast that are cooked and chop up in small pieces. Put into a large skillet that has olive oil in the bottom of it. Then add a can of Black Bean, diced green chilies, diced tomatoes, a packet of taco seasoning, and a 8oz of cream cheese cut up into the skillet. Let this simmer for about 20-30 minutes. As it cooks it will thicken up. Then you can spoon it into tortillas, add a little shredded cheese and YUMM-O
Have a great Thursday
(So far today no diet coke, lets see how I am doing by next Monday!)
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Yumm that sounds like an easy supper for Justin and I when we get home from work! I'll try it next week when we plan our meals (we plan meals for the week too before we go to the store and it does make things so much easier!) Do you use regular taco seasoning or chicken taco seasoning?
I use regular taco seasoning. Joe and I loved it and it super easy and quick. Enjoy!
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