Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Good Morning,

Hope you are all doing well!!!! Today I hope to accomplish some serious planting!!!!

Now onto today's topic: COUSINS

Joey and I have very special relationships with our cousins and our sweet baby is going to be blessed enough to have cousins very close in age. I am having the first great grandchild on my side and no else is expecting but on Joey's side their is a baby due a few weeks after our baby is due and on his Zanoni side another baby due a few weeks after ours. Isn't that unbelievable but really special too???? We sure think so.

To fully understand why cousins are important to us read the back story below:
Joey's Story:
(Joey with his cousin Adam)
Joey is a week younger than his older cousin Adam they have always been close primarily because they were the first boy grand babies in their family and their close age. They have spent many summers together in Albia playing basketball and going swimming. Joey would often take trips to attend basketball camps with Adam. As they grew up they decided to attend the same college and be roommates their freshman year. What fun memories they have from that experience. Over the years they have been their for each other through transitional times, marriage, and babies. Joey considers Adam one of his best friends and really enjoys spending time with him. (This picture makes me chuckle because it was  taken a few new years eve's ago look they both have on the same outfit basically- I guess great minds think alike) Adam and his wife are expecting and are due a few weeks after us. Can you believe these boys would have babies close in age as well. Joe and I are excited to meet the other new addition to the Haluska family and create memories

Erin's Story:
 ( This is picture of my cousin Kevin and my other cousin Pat is missing! With him living in Arizona it is hard to get a recent photo so pretend there is another guy in the picture to get the full idea)

I LOVE my cousins Pat and Kevin. I consider them more like brothers than cousins. I spent most of my summers with them and most of my childhood memories involve them. We did everything together like lemonade stands, vacationing, playing baseball in the front yard, riding our bike, preforming plays ( this wasn't their choice but they did it for me) Over the years we have been there for each other as we started dating, went off to college, graduated, been at sporting events, engagements, and finally weddings. We have a special bond that I am extremely grateful for. I am so proud of Pat and Kevin and for the men they have become sometimes I cant believe how fast time has gone by. I pray that my baby creates a special relationship their cousins like I have with mine.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kendra Dawn said...

LOVE IT!!!! :) So excited for our babies to get here!!!!!!!