Good Morning Blogland,
Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!
Did you enjoy the sun yesterday, I thought it was wonderful. I am really hoping that the warm weather that is on the way for this weekend comes. Joe, my mom and I are doing a 5k this weekend (i am walking) and I would love if it was warm. Do you have any big plans for the weekend??
Well I thought it was time that I post a bump photo and an update on Baby H. Enjoy!
I am now 16 weeks I cant believe how fast it is going. I had a doctor's appointment this Monday and the baby's heartbeat was 140 and the baby is located much higher than it was last month. The doctor also stated that in a week or two I should start feeling movement from the baby. (WOW!!!!!!!)
Baby H this week:The baby is weighing anywhere from 3 to 5 ounces and a length of 4 to 5 inches and is growing fast. Muscles are getting stronger especially the back muscles, enabling your little one to straighten out even more. Your baby to be is looking more and more adorable with a face that has eyes complete with eyebrows and eyelashes and ears in the right spots. Your baby is becoming more sensitive to touch as well. He or she will squirm if you poke your bell- though you wont feel him squirm just yet.
Clothing: I am mainly wearing leggings with larger shirts and flowy dresses. My jeans don't fit anymore but i did buy a belly band which allows you to wear your jeans with it but haven't tried it yet. Yoga pants and capris are my favorite!!!!!
How I'm Feeling: Overall I am feeling a ton better than the first trimester. Recently I have started having headaches which I guess is common with the hormones I on the other hand think it is my body screaming for a diet coke-JOKING! I still get sick a couple of times a week but once that is over I am ready to go!!!
Cravings: This baby is still not a breakfast person, it is the one meal I would pass on if I could. However later in the day this baby loves fresh veggies and fresh fruits For the past couple of weeks I cut up a bunch of veggies and keep them in the fridge and strawberries and watermelon are my favorite meal of the day. Last night I had raspberries and they were delicious Joey thought I was going to turn into a raspberry.
Sleeping: Sleep is pretty much the same. I wake up about three times to visit the bathroom and recently have started to have more difficulty getting comfortable. I think this week I am going to buy a body pillow since I have been reading that makes sleeping easier.
Names: We have a pretty set list for both boys and girls. I wont be posting these names since we don't know what we are having and who doesn't love a surprise-right? I cant narrow it down to one boy name and one girl name I think I will know once we are holding our precious miracle.
Nursery: We have started looking at furniture and bedding and are aiming to start the transformation of the room in July. The baby market needs more gender neutral bedding, there isn't much to choose from.
And Now for the photo:
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
I made a Cinco de Mayo infographic!
Love the new haircut!!!
My girlfriend bought her favorite boy and girl bedding and then when the baby was born she took back the girl bedding since she had a boy. That is an option for you too.
I love the haircut! It is so cute and will be fun for the summer and I hope you are liking it!
You look darling! Congratulations!!
I just noticed the haircut!! I thought it was just pulled back. It looks GREAT! The "bump" is cute too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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