Welll tonight I come to you with bits and pieces of various things!!! There is no one direction I have in this post rather a couple of different things that I felt like talking about tonight.
First of all I just read this book EVERY LAST ONE by Anna Quindlen
Wow an amazing book, this author layers the characters so well and I has a major turn of events that takes the book in a whole new direction. I literally stayed up all night to finish this book and couldn't stop thinking about it the next day. If you need a new book I highly recommend this one.
Next up, have you ever thought about how much you spend eating out??? Well Joe and I got to thinking the other week about how much we spend eating out, we can afford to do this but we started thinking about the things we could do if we didn't like TRAVEL, FINISH SOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS around the house SOOOO we are challenging ourselves to eating out only twice the month of January. Yes I think this is going to be a challenge but I think it will be eye-opening as well.One good thing that I can already tell is that this is going to help me become better at planning our meals. So we are tempted at eating out when we get home from work I have dinners planned in 1 week increments (now you will know why you start to see more recipes-thanks Cooking Light) I will keep all of you posted as how it is going and what we end doing with our extra molla!
Is anyone lusting after a vacation WE ARE!!!!!!! We are debating between Vegas, Arizona or New York- thoughts anyone??????
All of our Christmas decor is down and the house looks empty now. It is funny I feel this way after every Christmas so I am searching the decor blogs high and low for some IDEAS- if you know some good ones shoot me the address.
Well those are the bits and pieces of my mind tonight!!
Have a great day!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Hi Erin,
Happy new year!
I am always looking for new book recommendations, so I'm going to swing by the library and see if they have this Anna Quindlen book. I think I've read one of her books and really enjoyed it.
Yay for cooking at home! I also plan our meals one week in advance and I do a pretty good job of sticking to that. Have you ever checked out www.allrecipes.com? I can find just about anything there - even healthy recipes.
As for a vacation...I vote for Vegas. We're dying to go back there soon :-)
Hi Tracy,
Good to hear from you!!!!!!!! Thanks for your post. I can assure you that Every Last one will keep you entertained. Her character development is contagious. I LOVE allrecipes, i think the best feature of it are the comments from people that have tried the recipes. Take Care and dont be a stranger.
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