Good Morning to all,
Can you believe this swift change in the weather one day we are outside walking around in the sunshine the next it is sleeting-YUCK!
Harper had her 2 week check up this week and here is some of the news:
( Hi from our little pumpkin this is a picture taken on Halloween and this is what she wore to her appointment all the nurses loved her costume)
Length at Birth: 19 1/2 inches
Length at Check-up: 21 1/2 inches
This puts her in the 85% Last week I had said to Joey that I thought she felt longer but he said it was probably my imagination.
Weight at Birth: 9 lbs
Weight at Check-up: 8 lbs and 6oz
Harper had lost some weight when we left the hospital and out pediatrician assured us that is very normal especially in bigger babies. She has gained some weight since then and is roaring along! I think she has her dad's awesome metabolism LUCKY GIRL!
All of our her blood work came back and was negative for any genetic issues as well.
All in all we received a good report and will head back for her 2 month check up in December!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Little Harper is growing like a weed!! And she sure is a CUTE little pumpkin :)
How crazy....Jace weighed 8lbs 6oz at his 2 week appointment too!!!!
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