For the past could of years Joe and I have made it a tradition to get up and take part in the madness.
Whether is it is the great people watching or the awesome deals it is worth every minute!
This year Joe was to tired to go shopping
So we didn't go the morning of but rather the night of Black Friday and guess what?? We scored some very good deals!!!
Here we are out shopping!! DO you notice the top part of Joe's right shoulder spit-up!!
And moments later this is what happened. . . . . .
Let's just say this girl does WORK when she spits-up!!! I honestly wonder what perctange she keeps down in a day!
My motto for all the shoppers on Black Friday!! Also you can see that I dressed accordingly for BLACK Friday with all black attire and hints of pink!!
My girl and I shopping!!! Our biggest score of the night:

Our new Nikon camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been researching cameras for some time now and since having Harper I realize how often the camera is a necessity so we decided to give our family an early Christmas gift with this. I want to learn to take good pictures and this is the perfect camera!!!!
Did you score any finds or deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?