No I am not a momma. . . yet.
So when I think of being a mother one women comes to mind and that women is . . . . . My Momma!
I wanted to do a little tribute to my momma by giving here a written memory log of some of my favorite memories with her!!!!
-Although i dont remember this, watching soaps with you while you soaked me in lotion.
-The slumber parties in bed that you and I would have. Yes the crumbs in the bed are even a good thing in my memory.
-Helping me pick out my outfirst for the first day of school every year and sneaking in a note of encouragement.
-Really reading to me. So many nights you worked a full day, cooked, cleaned, ran me here and there and then you would read me a story and not just read but you would make the story come to life with voices and acting.
-Big hair, yes when I was a teenager I may have been embrassed but know I am so appreciative for you teaching me Big Hair
-Letting me cry. Enough said.
-Pushing me when I vowed I couldnt go any farther, thanks to you I pushed on.
-watching tv shows that you dont really like just so we can chit chat about it.
-Tuna melts, company cream tuna, and tuna on potatoes-only me and you.
-Teaching me to love fearlessly, some never experience this but you and I do.
- Your uncondtional and selfless love.
Yes, you are my only one You are my only Dont be leaving me now Now you're my only one.
Love you Momma!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
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