Before I moved to the great state of Iowa I lived in IL my entire life. I actually lived a large portion of it in Rockford, IL. When I moved to the Quad Cities and started telling people where I was from thy would say "that's a suburb of Chicago" Technically it isnt but I let people think whatever they want. It has become a big joke with the Haluska's as well! Two of my dearest friends from Rockford now live in California. They are also my Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid. They came back a few weeks ago to celebrate the engagement with me in our old hometown of ROCKFORD!
During the day we shopped and then headed back to Lindsay's to get ready to go to our favorite dinner place which is a Japanese Sushi Steakhouse JMK!
Lindsay found this PINK Saki and said we HAD to have it since that is color of my wedding! It actually was delicious!

Finally, they asked me what it feels like to be in love and engaged and this is what I did:
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