and Hello 29 weeks here is an update of what is going on with Baby H and Mom and Dad!
What Is Going On With Baby H This Week: Baby is at least 17 inches now and weighs nearly 3 pounds Though already pretty close of his or her ultimate birth length, baby still has lots to grow. In fact, over the next 11 weeks your baby will more than double in weight. As the baby grows the room in the placenta will start to feel cramped, making it less likely that you'll feel hard kicks from your little one and more likely that you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees.
What is Going on with Mama: I am feeling really good, I don't have to many complaints. I have started getting leg cramps at night but they aren't to bad and don't last to long.I haven't had to much swelling which I am grateful for. I have noticed that this week getting up and down is changing and becoming more difficult. I am really getting anxious to meet this little baby and know if it is a boy or a girl!!!
What is Going on with Dad: Dad keeps going back and forth on whether this baby is a girl or a boy. His big project for the nursery just started. He has some big plans for what the remodel and has ensured mom that it will be done in time for the arrival of Baby H. Dad has got to feel Baby alot this past week kicking around and loves every minute of it!

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