Husband and I recently started our birthing classes at the hospital that we will deliver at. We are using a midwife but this class is geared towards anyone using a doctor or midwife. When we initially signed up for the class I was very hesitant because I didn’t think it was something we really needed. My thoughts were “If we have the midwife, we are good to go” Husband nudged me into registering for the class anyways and I am thankful that he did. The class is taught by a nurse who is a certified Lamaze teacher and a doula. The students in the class are an even mix of first time parents and second time parents, isn’t that neat? I wasn’t expecting the second time parents. Another thought I had before starting these classes were “what in the world are we going to do for three hours in this class?” Yes this momma is admitting another assumption I shouldn’t have made. The three hours goes by extremely fast since the teacher does a variety of lecture, demonstration, video, and role-playing. The big difference in this class that I have noticed is that it isn’t your typical LAMAZE class, it is a class that is based on the science of the women’s body, and new technique’s that are being used in delivery rooms across the country. Breathing endlessly for hours isn’t what this class is about, but rather techniques that help progress the birth process and keep the mother focused on the final outcome-THE BABY. The final hour of the class has to be my favorite though, it is where the teacher instructs the coaching partner (AKA my hubby) on massage techniques through different points of labor. I encourage you to throw your assumptions about Lamaze and check out birthing classes at the hospital you are considering having your baby at, I can promise you this, you will learns something new, you and your partner will have a few good laughs, and you will go home relaxed from the massage time, and what pregnant mama couldn’t use that?
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago