Good Morning Bloggers,
Hope you are doing well today and Happy Friday to you! Do you have a fun weekend planned?? We sure do. We are having all of Joey's cousins from his dad's side up Saturday for a get together.
I am blessed because my grandparents are coming up to help me get ready today around the house and I so appreciate their help.
The bathroom remodel is going EXCELLENT I couldn't believe the progress lasts night and I will post pictures early next week for you to check it out!
Now on to the the BIG NEWS
Joe and I feel extremely blessed to tell you that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We are beyond thrilled and excited for this new adventure in our life. I am about about 10 weeks today. My due date is mid-October right now but that could change at my next appointment. My husband has been another blessing because he has been taking care of me the past month while I have been dealing with morning sickness rather all day sickness for me. We feel so loved and have received many loving cards from out family congratulating us and phone calls of well wishes. We wont be finding out if we are having a boy or a girl so place your bets now! We want the surprise of a lifetime as a dear friend called it.
Next week I will post how we told our families
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Yay! Yay! Yay! Congrats to you both. I totally understand the all-day sickness. That's how it was for me, too. It will get better.
Praying for a healthy baby and a healthy and happy pregnancy for you.
Can I say yay one more time? Yay!
Take care,
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS.......To the future Mommy and Daddy!!!!!! :)
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