Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back To Iowa

Good Morning Bloggers,

Well I am back from sunny Florida and let me tell you I had a great time. I tell you sunshine is good for the mind, body, and soul!!!!!!

I cant wait for spring to really start here in Iowa and then for summer to be here!! Please hurry up Sun and get here!

The girls and I soaked up lots of time on the beach, tried out some restaurants, went to a beautiful outdoor mall, and had many laughs!!!!!

I have something very sad to admit though and that is that I didn't take my camera out ONCE!!! I know bad me but I think I was more concerned with being in the moment and finding the sun then taking pictures!

I missed my hubby lots on the trip though. He is a great travel buddy and I missed him throughout the trip.

Overall it was a great time with my girlfriends and we created some wonderful memories!!! I think this will be an annual trip we take now!

Have a great Wednesday and see you back tomorrow!

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