Do I have the answer to that quetion or what!!!
I have found three new blogs that I know you will be smitten with if you are looking for great wirting, neat DIY, fabulous recipes, etc!!!!
Here it goes. . . .
House of Rose
This blog is written by Mandy stay-at-home mom of 3 boys and once you get to her blog check out her home tour is rocks!!!!
Next up is a fun title to a blog
From Nanny To Family
I love the idea of how she recently started an online book club with her fellow bloggers along with raw honest blogging not all sunshine and smiles which is what most itmes is written on blogs!
And finally a southern belle who has charm and style
The Home Payge
A blog about life, home decro, balancing life, recipes, and humor!!!!! Another great home tour as well!
Enjoy Reading!!!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
Just became a follower. Your too sweet- thanks for the blog love! I look forward to getting to "know" you better.
P.S. you are SUPER pretty!
P.P.S. link your email account to your blogger account so {I} and others can commennt back on your blog comments.
Thanks so much for your kind words and advice!! It is greatly appreciated!
Wow, thank you so much for the kind words!! Just started following your blog now too!
Thanks for sharing, these are great!
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