Good Morning,
It has been far to long since I have blogged and to be honest I have contemplated taking a break from Turner's Take for several different reasons. Life has been super busy and the desire to blog hasnt been there when the house projects have been going on, the weather is warming up, and my little girl is getting bigger and changing everyday. However I decided to take the pressure off and when I blog I blog and when I don;t- I dont that is ok to.
Harper celebrated her 6 month half birthday a few weeks ago! Her and I had a special day together getting in lots of kisses and hugs and a trip to the doctor. She is really start to change in so many ways laughing, jabbering more, sitting up, rolling over, pulling and holding onto everything, my little girl is growing up and I am so glad I get to wake up with her everday!
Length:27 1/2 inches
Weight: 16.6 pounds
Diaper Size: 3
Clothes: She is so LONG! she is in 9 months but I don't think for long as her toes are starting to stretch out of those as well!
Favorite times: This girl loves to be in the bath!!! She gets so excited when she is in the bathroom and the tub is filling up. She is getting way to big for her baby bath so mommy and Harper usually hang out together in the tub together. She loves to be in her jumperoo, once she starts jumping around she cant stop.
Food: She loves her oatmeal cereal in the morning and baby food. I have done a combination of making my own and buying organic. She likes both so that makes it pretty easy for Mommy.
Sleeping: In the last month she has really started to become a napper. Before she would maybe nap for 40 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the afternoon but that has changed and she now can be laid down in her crib with her rabbit and blanket and she is good to go. Sometimes I turn on her skylight which shows images on the ceiling of her room if she is really awake and that helps her fall asleep. She is still a great night sleeper which we are very grateful for.
New things: Harper is so into toys, rolling over, and sitting up! She loves to hold on to my hair, necklace, her daddy's shirt. If we aren't moving she like to be surrounded by toys!
I will be back tomorrow with a new book recommendation! Have a great day!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
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