Good Morning Bloggers,
Hope you are doing well! Is this gloomy weather getting you down? Are you wondering if the sun is ever going to shine? Well then we are in the same boat together!
I have lots to cover this morning. I have been meaning to blog but my camera is giving me problems which has prevented me from my regular posts since I cant upload photos. So today I plan to give you a BIG update today.
First Up-EASTER:
Last Friday we headed to Des Moines to be with Joey's dad and Tammy. We got settled and headed to a wonderful restaurant in Altoona called the Big Steer. Of course we were all craving meat but we held out and gobbled down some yummy fish. Saturday afternoon we headed to Albia. We hadn't been back to Nana's in some time so it was wonderful to see her and be at her house. The boys went golfing in the afternoon and Nana and I hung out and got dinner ready for that evening. It was a great night. The next morning though I was sick!!! You just don't know when it is going to hit you. Sunday when we got home we rented some movies and relaxed.
Baby H: Is doing great and tomorrow I will be 15 weeks. So here is an update of what is going on with the baby this week: " Your baby who measures 4 1/2 inches this week and weighs around 2 to 3 ounces is about the size of a navel orange. Looking more and more like the baby you're picturing in your dreams his or her ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head to the front of the face. By now your baby has the coordination, strength, and smarts to wiggle his or her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb. But that's not all your baby can do now. He or she can breathe, suck and swallow all in preparation for the big debut and life outside of the womb. And though it's unlikely that you'll be feeling any movements from your little one this week, your baby is certainly getting a workout-kicking, flexing, and moving those arms and legs."
Turning 27: Well yesterday was the big day. I turned 27 really I am feeling great about it and cant wait for this upcoming year. I started my day off by getting the best gift ever a card that said MOMMA and a card that said WIFEY my two favorite jobs!! Isn't Joe creative! He did a great job and they are very special to me. I had lunch with a great friend. When I got home I was surprised by a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a dear friend who I am missing very much! Last night we headed out for dinner and it was great to have a date night! I received many calls and messages from family yesterday and I am so grateful for them all!!!!
Prayer Request: Well blogland I have a prayer request from all of you. A friend of mine had a baby over a year ago and lost him 2 weeks after he was born. It was very hard and sad and touched my heart because she showed such a great amount of faith during the situation. God blessed her to become pregnant very quickly after losing her son with twins. This past weekend she delivered the twins and lost one of them. Please keep them in your prayers. My heart is so heavy for them as they prepare to say goodbye to another baby and welcome one home. Life is truly a BLESSING!
Have a great day and more to come this week!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago