It has been far to long since I last blog but as any blogger knows sometimes life is busy and different things take priority over blogging. The past 2 weeks of life have literally flown by and I am wanting to slow down for a bit. Joe is heading into multiple weeks of an intense workload so I am planning some fun activities and projects for Harper and I to tackle around the house/Davenport!!!
So much has happened since I last blogged:
-a little girl HRH (yes her initials stand for Her Royal Highness, HA HA) turned 5 months!
-we took a trip to Arizona
-we got to see a spring training Cubs game!
-my favorite holiday came and went HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY !!! Thanks for all the messages!
-my dear cousin Patrick got MARRIED
-Baby Food Making
So as you can guess I have lots to catch you up on! Make sure to check back often as the updates are coming SOON!
To tide you over till the next update here is a picture from the Cubs game we went to
From left to right: My cousin Kevin holding Harper, his girlfriend Claire, my cousin Grace, Me, Madeline in front of me, Joe next to me, and Caroline my cousin.
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago
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