She recently had a check-up and here are her stats
Weight: 25 1/4 lbs in the 80%
Height: 31 1/4 inches the 75%

The doctor said she is looking great and doing everything that a 15 month-old should be!" Here are a few more details of our sweetheart.
Sleeping: We have been blessed from the beginning with Harper and she has been a great sleeper with her naps and at nighttime. Recently we have noticed though that she must be dreaming alot because she will make sounds in her sleep. She is still taking 2 naps most days. She can go with 1 a day but she is much more fussy before bedtime.
Eating: About 2 weeks ago she went on a food strike and would only eat berries I was worried that my once good eater was gone but she returned and is back to eating just about anything. I have been making a bunch of different smoothies in the mornings for myself and she loves them as well. We have noticed lately that she really likes to feed herself at meals and we have started giving her baby utensils to try to get the hang of.
Playing: Harper loves to get out all of her toys and play hard. She loves her baby doll, stroller, blocks, and books. She loves to plop down on your lap and have you read a book to her. She plays with her numerous fake phone calls and has full conversations. If she has her sippy cup with her she will be asking to cheers you about 10 times in a row.
Clothes: She is wearing 18-24 months and needs the length, this girl has long legs and we have a feeling that she is going to be tall.
Harper can do the following:
get up onto the couch
get off the couch/bed
waves goodbye and hello
can say dadda, momma, cheers, please, drink, more, all done, and squeals really loud if you do.
does downward dog pose
likes to squat
runs in place
tells us when she has gone #2
plays peek-a-boo
imitates someone laughing
does high 5
gives hug and kisses when asked
bear crawl

In the next few months we will be tackling some hard things like getting rid of her beloved bottle in the morning. She only has one bottle a day but we know the time is nearing where we need to say goodbye. We are also going ot say good-bye to paci. Harper loves her paci so much that we know it wont be easy but we can do it!!!
We love you so much Harper Regina