How can my sweet girl be 11 months old, almost a whole year old? This time has gone by so fast!
11 Months Old
Weight: 21 pounds even
Length:29 inches
Diaper Size: 4
Clothing: 12-18 Months ( I recently paced away a bunch of her clothes that didnt fit anymore)
Food: Harper is still loving to eat but has started doing a new trick when she eats. When Harper doesn't want anymore she will shake her head or cover her mouth. To say the least her personality is really coming through at mealtimes. We have started to wean her from her bottles. She is doing great and we are so proud of her. Harper does still love to try whatever someone else is eating she will literally try calling up you if you are eating something.
Sleeping: Still does a great job. We recently moved her crib so it was flat against the wall and not angled anymore because she was throwing all her pacis behind her crib. She still takes two naps a day and goes to bed around 745 every night.
One of Harper's favorite new toys is her grocery cart. She loves to put toys inside of it and than sit inside of it while Joe or I push her around the house!
Harper has completely mastered the stairs and can climb up them in a breeze. She is working on standing by herself and no walking yet!
Harper's first birthday party is coming up quick we are in fill party planning mode around the house and so excited to celebrate her special day!
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
2 days ago